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Revista de Nutrição e Saúde - RADICAIS LIVRES

  • ADKINSON, D.; HOLLWARTH, M.E.; BENOIT, J.N.; PARKS, D.A.; McCORD, J.M.; GRANGER, N. Role of free radicals in ischemia reperfusion injury to the liver. Act Physiol. Scand: 548, 101-7, 1986
  • BOVERIS, A.; CADENAS, E.; REITER, R.; FILIPKOWSKI, M.; NAKASE, Y.; CHANCE, B. Organ chemiluminescence: noninvasive assay for oxidative radical reactions. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA: 77, 347-51, 1980.
  • BURTIS, C.A.; ASHWOOD, E.R. Clinical chemistry in Tietz Textbook of Clinical Chemistry, Burtis, C.A.; Ashwood, E.R. Eds. Saunders Company, Philadelphia, 1994, pp 1311-1313.
  • HANSSON, R.O.; JONSSON, O.; LUNDSTAN, J.; PETTERSON, S.; SCHERTEN,T. Effects of free radical scavengers on renal circulation after isquemia in the rabbit. Clin. Sci: 65, 605-10, 1983
  • LEMON, P.W.R.; MULLIN, J.P. Effect of initial muscle glycogen levels on protein catabolism during exercise. J. Appl. Physiol: 48, 624, 1980.
  • MAHAN, L.K.; ESCOTT-STUMP, SYLVIA. Nutrição para o treinamento e desempenho atlético in Krause Alimentos, Nutrição e Dietoterapia, Mahan L.K e Scott-Strump Eds. 9.ed., Roca, São Paulo , 1998, pp 506-523.
  • PRICE, T.B. et al. Turnover of human muscle glycogen with low intensity exercise. Med. Sci. Sports Exer : 26, 983, 1994.
  • OLIVEIRA, C.P.M.S. Efeito da silimarina verapamil no modelo murIno de isquemia e reperfusão hepática e citoproteção e redução do estresse oxidativo. Tese. Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo, 1999.
  • SINGH, V.N. A current perspective on nutrition and exercise. J. Nutr : 122, 760, 1992.
  • WILLMORE, J.H.; FREUND B.J. Current concepts in nutrition. In Winick M (ed.) : Nutrition and Exercise, vol. 15, New York : Wiley and Sons, 1986, p. 67
  • DIDIO J A, AMATUZI M e CRICCENTI S V - Sistema Muscular in DiDio L J A - Tratado de Anatomia Aplicada, vol. 1 - Pollus Ed. São Paulo 1998 pp. 187-198
  • KAMINISKI M and BOAL R: an effect of ascorbic acid on delayed-onset muscle soreness. Pain 50:317,1992
  • MITCHELL JB et al: Effects of carbohydrate ingestion on gastric emptying and exercise performance. Med Sci Spors Exerc 20:110, 1988
  • STEEN SN and BROWNELL KD: Patterns of weight loss and regain in wrestlers: Has the tradition change? Med Sci Sports Exer 22:762, 1990
  • VIGUIE CA, PACKER L, and BROOKS GA: Antioxidant supplementation affects indices of muscle trauma and oxidant stress in human blood during exercise. Med Sci Sports Exer 21:S16, 1989


  • ADKINSON, D.; HOLLWARTH, M.E.; BENOIT, J.N.; PARKS, D.A.; McCORD, J.M.; GRANGER, N. Role of free radicals in ischemia reperfusion injury to the liver. Act Physiol. Scand: 548, 101-7, 1986
  • BOVERIS, A.; CADENAS, E.; REITER, R.; FILIPKOWSKI, M.; NAKASE, Y.; CHANCE, B. Organ chemiluminescence: noninvasive assay for oxidative radical reactions. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA: 77, 347-51, 1980.
  • BURTIS, C.A.; ASHWOOD, E.R. Clinical chemistry in Tietz Textbook of Clinical Chemistry, Burtis, C.A.; Ashwood, E.R. Eds. Saunders Company, Philadelphia, 1994, pp 1311-1313.
  • HANSSON, R.O.; JONSSON, O.; LUNDSTAN, J.; PETTERSON, S.; SCHERTEN,T. Effects of free radical scavengers on renal circulation after isquemia in the rabbit. Clin. Sci: 65, 605-10, 1983
  • LEMON, P.W.R.; MULLIN, J.P. Effect of initial muscle glycogen levels on protein catabolism during exercise. J. Appl. Physiol: 48, 624, 1980.
  • MAHAN, L.K.; ESCOTT-STUMP, SYLVIA. Nutrição para o treinamento e desempenho atlético in Krause Alimentos, Nutrição e Dietoterapia, Mahan L.K e Scott-Strump Eds. 9.ed., Roca, São Paulo , 1998, pp 506-523.
  • PRICE, T.B. et al. Turnover of human muscle glycogen with low intensity exercise. Med. Sci. Sports Exer : 26, 983, 1994.
  • OLIVEIRA, C.P.M.S. Efeito da silimarina verapamil no modelo murIno de isquemia e reperfusão hepática e citoproteção e redução do estresse oxidativo. Tese. Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo, 1999.
  • SINGH, V.N. A current perspective on nutrition and exercise. J. Nutr : 122, 760, 1992.
  • WILLMORE, J.H.; FREUND B.J. Current concepts in nutrition. In Winick M (ed.) : Nutrition and Exercise, vol. 15, New York : Wiley and Sons, 1986, p. 67
  • DIDIO J A, AMATUZI M e CRICCENTI S V - Sistema Muscular in DiDio L J A - Tratado de Anatomia Aplicada, vol. 1 - Pollus Ed. São Paulo 1998 pp. 187-198
  • KAMINISKI M and BOAL R: an effect of ascorbic acid on delayed-onset muscle soreness. Pain 50:317,1992
  • MITCHELL JB et al: Effects of carbohydrate ingestion on gastric emptying and exercise performance. Med Sci Spors Exerc 20:110, 1988
  • STEEN SN and BROWNELL KD: Patterns of weight loss and regain in wrestlers: Has the tradition change? Med Sci Sports Exer 22:762, 1990
  • VIGUIE CA, PACKER L, and BROOKS GA: Antioxidant supplementation affects indices of muscle trauma and oxidant stress in human blood during exercise. Med Sci Sports Exer 21:S16, 1989

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